Monday, September 26, 2022

Query cache improvement in Pgpool-II 4.4

 Query cache in Pgpool-II

Pgpool-II has built-in in memory query result cache which may dramatically enhance performance in certain use cases. If your workload is mostly read only SELECT and certain query is frequently used, then you might be able to enjoy the feature. When a SELECT comes to Pgpool-II, it saves the result of the query in shared memory or memcached (you can configure which one to be used). If same query, meaning the query string is  absolutely identical to  the previous query,  then Pgpool-II does not send the query to PostgreSQL. Instead, it fetches the query result from the shared memory (or memcached) and returns to client. Note that in order to this, the user and database must be also identical. In the process following tasks to generate query result are eliminated thus takes less time comparing with standard query processing:

  • Parsing query
  • Generating query plan
  • Executing the query plan
  • Network round-trip between Pgpool-II and PostgreSQL

Note , however, when a table is modified or dropped, the query cache corresponding to the table is removed. If this frequently happens, query cache may be slower than ordinal query processing because of its overhead. You can monitor the query cache hit ratio by using "SHOW pool_cache" command to make a decision  whether you should use the query cache feature or not.

Bottle neck in query cache

The query cache has one weakness until Pgpool-II 4.3. As you can easily guess, the shared memory is heavily accessed by concurrent users. In order to avoid the confusion, Pgpool-II uses strong lock which is called "exclusive" lock. Once a Pgpool-II process acquires the lock, other process have to wait until the process release the lock. As a result when there are many concurrent users, the query cache performance rapidly drops.

Pgpool-II 4.4 will mitigate the problem

Upcoming Pgpool-II 4.4, which is expected to be released by the end of this year, will use "shared lock" in certain cases.

There are two types of query cache access: one is just fetching the query cache, the other is modifying existing query cache data. The latter needs the exclusive lock anyway. But the former just needs shared lock which guarantees the contents of the query cache data is not changed while the lock is held. Since shared lock holders can run concurrently, the performance will be enhanced if most clients just read the query cache data.

The result

Below is a graph showing how the benchmark results are compared. The result was generated by using PostgreSQL's standard benchmark tool "pgbench". The transaction type is read only ("-S"). The database size is default (100k rows). Each pgbench run  is 10 seconds.  The hardware used was an Ubuntu 20  laptop with 16GB mem and 6 physical CPU cores. two PostgreSQL 15 master head are used and are configured as a two-node streaming replication cluster.

 The red line is the master branch head, which will be released as Pgpool-II 4.4. The blue line is Pgpool-II 4.3. The yellow line is the case in 4.3 when query cache is disabled just for a reference.

Until 4 concurrent users there's no big difference between 4.4 and 4.3. But as the number of concurrent users grows, the performance of 4.3 rapidly decreases from 160k to 100k tps at 32 concurrent clients. While 4.4 keeps 140k tps at 32 concurrent users. The difference is about 140%.


 The query cache is great for mostly read only workloads. But it had weakness when there are lots of concurrent clients. Upcoming Pgpool-II  4.4 will mitigate the weakness by using shared lock. A benchmark result shows the enhancement is up to 40% at 32 concurrent clients.

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